Monday, August 21, 2006

Nursery rhyme impossible

As I predicted last week, the constant river of political pawning, whining and other distasteful activities has filled the day and promises to provide a long running mini-series in the foreseeable future.

I’ll attempt to outline the days events without being so descript that a simple web search would bring my activities on this site to the attention of my employer…or if this place were to be discovered, my ex-employer.

Three distinctly different organizations are involved in this corporate ménage à trios, the piggy whose house is built of straw, the other of wood, and finally mine, built of stone.

This weekend some critical business functionality was incorporated into the business logic that determines how the business will be run and executive decisions made based on this logic. To make things simple, facts were omitted which caused some discrepancies to appear. When the omission was questioned, the piggy that lived in the house of straw indicated that it was my little piece of the world that was flawed, and he was he was sure I was going to blame him. The piggy in the house of straw continued, that he would look into it and get back with my landlord (the owner of the piggy in the house of stone).

Well fortunately, the big bad (or not so bad) wolf also lives in the house made of straw, and minutes after the accusations were made (the accusations unbeknownst to the wolf), an email was sent out stating that the omissions were in fact caused by the wolf and the house made of straw imploded while my stone house still stood.

The piggies in the house of wood laughed and had a jolly good time at the expense of the piggy in the house of straw.

Well, that was my day and the analogy, while tough to follow, should allow me to keep my current employment for at least another week.

This little piggy took a sleeping pill and went wee wee wee all the way to bed.


Blogger justacoolcat said...

To me it made perfect sense. It's always the piggies in the house of straw that require 80 percent more energy to maintain.

1:27 PM  
Blogger zombie said...

You got it and hit the nail on the head.

1:42 PM  

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